Prefect flows and tasks

Tasks are the most basic unit of work in Prefect. A task performs certain function or operation. The way to enable a task in Prefect is by using the @task decorator. A flow is a combination of several tasks where one can specify a certain order of execution. Flow will contain one or more tasks… Continue reading Prefect flows and tasks

Prefect Installation: Part I

Prefect has two editions — open source and Prefect cloud. To get going with Prefect open source, one can install Prefect from pip installer. It may be advised to create a separate conda environment or virtual environment. To use virtual environment, virtualenv {{name-of-the-virtual-environment}} To activate the virtual environment source {{name-of-the-virtual-environment}}/bin/activate One may choose to install… Continue reading Prefect Installation: Part I

dbt environment and deployment

Dbt jobs can be scheduled to run at specific time intervals using an automated system. Dbt commands that are used to build, run and debug the project can be scheduled to run automatically. deployment is when the jobs in the analyst's workstation moves to production server. One can think of this as development and production… Continue reading dbt environment and deployment

dbt documentation

dbt enables publishing technical documentation as a website. One can add detailed description about dbt models, relevant tests that may have been included, information about sources, table columns, data types, etc... Once these information are entererd, dbt then generates documentation for the given dbt project. The details are entered in the YAML file of dbt… Continue reading dbt documentation

sourcing in data build tool

Dbt sources is where data sources are mentioned. Sources are declared in a YAML file. One can have many sources. One can also write tests to the data being sourced. The YAML file enables one to provide detailed information about each source such that they appear on the documentation section. For instance, the source YAML… Continue reading sourcing in data build tool