Docker Internal Hub Configuration

It is possible to setup internal hub that may be accessible only by the organization. To setup an internal hub, docker run -d \-p 5000:5000 \—restart=always \—name \registry:2 Here are some sample code, First pull the image(s) that may be needed: docker pull Re-tag the image(s) docker image tag Push the image(s) to the… Continue reading Docker Internal Hub Configuration

dbt models: Part II

We looked at SQL models. Similarly, python model is basically a python script that loads the data into a data frame, performs various transformation using specialist packages like pandas or pyspark and produces a data frame. Example of python model: import pandas as pd def function1(param1, param2): df = … … … resultant_df = …… Continue reading dbt models: Part II

Docker Networking

By default, uses a type of network called bridge network. Within a given Docker Host, all the containers can easily communicate with each other. Their usual IP addresses start off with Port mapping is essential in case of a web application listening in on a port. This is because bridge network provides an internal… Continue reading Docker Networking

data build tool materialization: Part II

We looked at tables and view. The other ones are incremental and ephemeral. Incremental loads implement a very elegant solution. during the first run, the table is populated in the data store. any subsequent runs from that point on, only the new rows will be inserted, existing rows that needs any changes will be changed… Continue reading data build tool materialization: Part II

data build tool materialization: Part I

Dbt has some terminologies that may be unique to dbt. One of such is the concept of materialization. Materialization is a load strategy, that denotes how one plans to load the data into the data store. There are four types of load that dbt offers, namely, tables, view, incremental and ephemeral. Tables are the traditional… Continue reading data build tool materialization: Part I

Docker Architecture

Docker has a layered architecture. Starting with its broad layers, there are: Image layer Container layer Image layer is a read only layer whereas container layer is a run time, supporting both read and write operations. The Image layer architecture Is directly proportional to its Dockerfile. The base layer of the Dockerfile specifies an operating… Continue reading Docker Architecture

Docker Images & DockerFile

Docker images are the higher level abstraction of docker containers. Docker images are generated using Dockerfile. Several commands are issued in the DockerFile, which is then leveraged to generate docker image. The command is , docker build Dockerfile -t In case the image is too big, there may be options to build a smaller images.… Continue reading Docker Images & DockerFile