H2O and Machine Learning

Working with H2O has been quite an experience so far. Lets look at how to set it up. We can setup H2O as standalone server, install in R or install in Hadoop. Setting it up on standalone is quite simple. download the zip file unzip h2o-version.zip cd into the directory java -jar h2o.jar Go to… Continue reading H2O and Machine Learning

Introduction to H2O, in-memory large scale data processing

So far, in our data science series on DataScience Hacks, we have seen R, Apache Mahout and Apache Spark for large scale Data Science applications. Apache Mahout is the earlier project for distributed machine learning executes on MapReduce framework where as Apache Spark is built on Scala, comparatively recent project that performs distributed large scale… Continue reading Introduction to H2O, in-memory large scale data processing